Apparently God wants McCain to win this election and His reputation is on the line, at least according to one Rev. Arnold Conrad. Check it out. Wow! I realize there are extremists on both sides of this election. I think it's unfortunate that Christians get so caught up in this thing to the point that they make statements like Rev. Conrad just did. I'm not going to expand anymore on his statements other than to say I strongly disagree with him and think it is embarrassing to hear another Christian make statements like this.
A note of clarification for those who would read this and make false assumptions about what I'm trying to say in this post. I'm in NO WAY saying that I think it is embarrassing for a Christian to support McCain. I have never stated that. Don't just read the text. Follow the link and see how this man was praying. The manner in which he was praying regarding the election is what I found embarrassing as a Christian, not the person he is supporting.
1 week ago
I don't understand why there is so much Republican bashing. Why don't we just see what each opponent stands for and vote for them according to their religious belief system?
Carol - I'm not sure where you got "Republican bashing" from my post. I could understand if you got some "extreme religious right" bashing from this.
thank you, that prayer was ridiculous. Hindu and Buddah are not gods.
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