Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And then there was one...

...and that one would be us. When it comes to getting a boy, we're the new number

The couple ahead of us on the waiting list, Troy and Amber, got their referral today moving us into the top spot. I'm a combination of freaked out and excited. Needless to say we'll be keeping our phones charged and close by our side.

For those keeping score at home, JB & Carla are up to #5 on the boy list.


Tisha Alexander said...

Referrals are going out like crazy!! It is a good idea to keep your phone with you. Excited for your family... :) :)

Troy said...

Enjoy it guys!

Kathy Beachy said...

That is so exciting.

Troy said...

I think there are alot of boys at HH so I am thinking/praying your wait will not be long :)

Anonymous said...

Matt, this is getting REAL! We are excited with you!

Aunt Sue

Paul and DeeDee said...

ahh that boys list is moving like CRAZY!!!! congratulations at making it to #1!! Maybe we will travel together!