We got our tentative travel dates today! AGCI wants us there by Sunday, May 17th. We're tentatively planning to go a few days early so we'll tentatively be leaving on May 13th or May 14th. That means we're leaving in 2 weeks (tentatively of course)! Wow! Tentatively we will get home on May 22nd or 23rd. One thing that is definite is that Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day which means I'll have an extra day to recover before going back to work. Sweet! I'll post more definite travel dates once we get our tickets booked.
I'm using this post to test out my ability to post to our blog via email, which would allow me to post while we're in Ethiopia (I guess you can't access blogger in Ethiopia). A few families that traveled recently did this so hopefully I can figure it out too. They even managed to get pictures on their posts. I'll tackle that later. Baby steps.
Two weeks people!!!
1 month ago